How a portable spectrum analyzer can lower telemetry tracking antennas downtime
– Abstract of a SAF Tehnika Blog–
For flight test in civil and military aviation and heavy weaponry tests, it is crucial to receive important data in real time, to analyze flight characteristics and health status during the test. To receive this data, usually, telemetry tracking antennas are used.
Well-designed tracking antennas like the WTW-LSC series from WTW Anlagenbau allow a smooth and easy transfer of crucial data from the flying object to the ground control station even if they are moving fast or operating several kilometers away from the ground station.
These flight or weaponry tests are usually men, time and cost-intensive, so any problem with the telemetric system that might occur during the test has to be solved fast and efficiently. Here the spectrum analyzer, Spectrum Compact, from SAF Tehnika is a real game-changer. Spectrum Compact is deployed and ready for measurement within seconds. The device is specifically designed for the field use and easy to operate, so also technicians unfamiliar with spectrum analyzers can use Spectrum Compact easily.
Using Spectrum Compact, problems with the receiver, transmitter or the cabling can be identified and resolved fast and easy. Which saves valuable time and money. As Spectrum Compact is the size of a smartphone it can easily be carried at any time, which improves the reaction time of the troubleshooting technician even further.
Currently, Spectrum Compact is available in the frequencies 2-40Ghz, 56-67Ghz and 70-87Ghz. Additionally, a Signal Generator in the same form factor in frequency range 6-40Ghz is available.